Since each room of the museum is designed around a different theme, and provides many opportunities for fun and learning we are pretty sure our students had one of the most wonderful experiences.
Main point was to show students describe their sensations across the museum.
What they liked, what was visited, what was the itinerary on this guided visiting, the extra information was provided in this opportunity for students to reflect on and debrief about the visit: As an example, students were explained on how to make chocolate right from the cacao bean. This awake their imagination into this sweet world.
Students had the opportunity of compare new and old knowledge.
- To those students who had never been at the Choco Museum it was really interesting to compare their understanding and expectations about the Museum before the visit and how was it after the exhibition.
- They had an incredible time to solve questions about the exhibit, objects, people, feeling or belief – Discussed about their preferences in order that students interact among each other. Talked about what they may have found out during their visit and discuss how that differs to what they knew, believed before the visit or how their expectations were fulfilled.
Follow up and further investigation
- Used pre visit activities that were suggested for some of teachers. This gave students some confidence to beat barriers especially when do questions out from class.
- Students were required to report all the activities they have completed around the visit and to ask expositors all their questions in a free way to avoid them get stressed.
- The group were encouraged to comment on their findings and discuss any questions, differing views, favorite exhibits, objects or stories.
- Reported their answers to questions formulated during discussions and activities during the visit.
- Conduct further investigation or debate any issues that arise in discussions while visiting the museum.
- Research questions by seeking information from the Choco Museum website.
- Use their findings to write information reports or keep talking about the topic.
- Compare the information gathered at the Museum into a personal report that was used as a conversation topic right after the visit.
- Make invitations, for instance invite other students and people in general to join our SOCIAL CLUB every week and feel the English Language.
- Remember the museum has a huge selection of homemade chocolate, some of which students had never seen before. So, this experience was just great and unique. It was a fun day and a place we definitely recommend visiting.