Hello New Dealers!!!!
First of all, we would like to thank you for coming to our last Social Club that took place on Saturday 11th at 11 am, where we had the experience to talk about two important celebrations: 5 DE MAYO and MOTHER’S DAY!!! Here’s a little introduction of the origin and meaning of both:
About 5 de Mayo Celebration: The date is observed to commemorate the Mexican Army’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla, on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza.
More popularly celebrated in the United States than Mexico, the date has become associated with the celebration of Mexican-American culture. These celebrations began in California, where they have been observed annually since 1863.
About Mother’s Day: The modern holiday of Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. St Andrew’s Methodist Church now holds the International Mother’s Day Shrine.
After having this introduction, made by our teacher Yeifer Graterol, our guests were invited to create three to four people groups, so they could make a Happy Mother’s day card using colorful materials, their creativity and their hand crafting. Five cards were made with love among jokes and laughs.
Once the cards were finished, six of our students were invited to participate in an activity where they had to take a piece of paper at their own luck with experiences about their mothers, such as: the best advice, the funniest moment and so on. This way they were encouraged to practice their speaking skills with the support of all the guests at the Social Club.
To finish our social club, our new teacher Angel Vargas had the difficult responsibility of choosing the winner of the Card contest. After seeing all the good work made by our guests, the winning card was the one made by (Names of the winners here). At the end, everybody could enjoy some delicious nachos with guacamole prepared by one teacher.
See you in our next Social Club and don’t miss the opportunity to have a great time while learning English at NEW DEAL!!!