International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. Time to remember. Time to act.
In this Social Club, we discussed about how we could identify an overdose situation, what kind of signs are the most notorious, and how dangerous might be for our bodies going through those severe situations.
We encouraged each other to talk about their own experiences. For some, relatives or friends that had had these issues. Besides, we always have chance to listen to many doctors (since 99% of our students are physicians.). They gave us advices based on their experiences with some patients that they had in the past and their years of study. Also, we discussed about what to do or how to respond in these situations. We agreed that we have to act immediately to preserve the life of another human being and follow the instructions of the doctor or the emergency line that we call in that moment.
Finally, this Social Club was a marvelous opportunity to improve our vocabulary, and learn more about an important day in the year.