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November 29th, 2019.

THANKS! THANKS! THANKS! There is no other way we could start this than being grateful for your enthusiasm and for your support. As one of the most popular traditions in the USA and Canada, we would like to share with you what Thanksgiving day means and why is celebrated; because we have had great moments together, not only that day, but also during the whole year, so we invited our students to a thanksgiving dinner.

But before enjoying the dinner we had a little story about thanksgiving history where the students could read and have an idea about what represents for the family. After that they showed us how much from the story they understood when they built what they could remember using some flashcards.

The night was a game night in order to have fun and learn English, that’s why they had to match pictures and words related to thanksgiving that were given randomly to our enthusiastic participants, who had a great time finding the match. Then came the hilarious moment when they had to squeeze the pork figure as a buzzer during our “Guess the word” using scrambled words, some records were set here cause our students were fast.

But the time to say thanks arrived with “The gratitude game” where they could also eat some candies. After that the surprise of the night with a magnificent and secret video recorded during the week with some of our students and staff expressing why they are grateful for and some of them took the opportunity to say thanks to New Deal and its academic team.


As it couldn’t be in a different way, we enjoyed a thanksgiving dinner with Turkey cooked by our Academic Manager Milagros Leiva, and garnished with some of the great dishes which were brought for our students, such as mashed sweet potatoes, Arabic rice, chicken salad, among others. It was delicious!!

Finally, we would like finish as we started, saying thanks to our students and guests who came that night for having such a wonderful and new experience.

We hope to see you soon in our next Social Club.

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